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Get Involved

Participate, donate or advocate. Tell us what your interests are and we will do our best to match you with an opportunity to be a part of our efforts to care for river basin.


become a member

We need people like you.

Our flexible volunteer opportunities can be adapted to your interests and availability. Fill out the form.



Create financial stability.

Please donate to support our efforts to care for and improve the river basin. Give today!



Enjoy the sun.

Check here to find information about our activities, programs and events including the annual Sheboygan River Clean-up. See our next event!



Memories for all.

We want to hear your experience at the beach. Use the hashtag #sheboyganrivers and #srbp on social media or email us here to be featured on our page.




We bring the community together in caring for our land and water through annual litter cleanups along the Sheboygan River and the Lake Michigan shoreline.




Through our projects, we work to restore ecologically significant natural areas and ecosystems and to make these areas more accessible to all.  We ensure the sustainable, long term care of these special places and valuable resources, and we continue to reinvest in these and surrounding areas, bringing in additional project partners, supporters, and funding with each new advancement.  We strive to engage others in caring for the health of water resources in the Sheboygan River Basin by building appreciation and understanding of these projects and the impact that they have on our quality of life.


join us


The Sheboygan River Basin Partnership realizes the importance of getting everyone involved in achieving our vision of a Sheboygan River Basin with a sustained and restored ecosystem that offers a healthy environment, strong economy, and high quality of life for current and future generations. We invite you to join us in attaining our goal. Become a member and help improve our environment. Download your Membership Application today!