John Nelson
John Nelson has lived in the Sheboygan River Basin for over twenty years and been a board member for seven years. He wants to help improve water quality within the Basin. If you were looking for John you would find him in the middle of the Basin fishing for trout.
“water is a PRECIOUS resource that must be protected to the [fullest] extent possible.”
Currently as a board member he leverages his expertise in water resource management and is proud of the removal of the Girl Scouts dam on the Mullet River; a project the SRBP helped remove. The dam removal impact is expected to be great with improving water quality, temperature, and trough access to spawning habitat.
John had a 30 year career working as a fisheries biologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and a six year career as an agricultural management project manager with The Nature Conservancy. During his time with the DNR he was involved in fish population assessment, fish habitat development, dam removal, and agricultural runoff managment.
John fishing for trout at Sugar Creek in the Basin.